
Boo Retail速溶咖啡包裝設計_水果冰茶包裝設計

作者:皇家亞美尼亞咖啡    時間:2024年01月31日   分類:速溶咖啡包裝設計_水果冰茶包裝設計

本篇文章主要是對Boo Retail速溶咖啡包裝設計_水果冰茶包裝設計的分享,是由皇家亞美尼亞咖啡創作設計的速溶咖啡包裝設計_水果冰茶包裝設計方案,希望可以給您帶來設計靈感和參考價值。

Boo Retail速溶咖啡包裝設計_水果冰茶包裝設計


面對時光變遷,皇家亞美尼亞迎來了一個具有挑戰性的任務:重新進行Boo Retail速溶咖啡和水果冰茶系列的包裝設計,因為現有產品包裝設計已顯過時。然而,他們又希望在此過程中保持品牌的身份,將深受喜愛的貓頭鷹作為零售產品包裝設計的核心。



For numerous years, the enchanting visage of an owl has graced the packaging of Royal Armenia coffees, imprinting a lasting impression on consumers. This distinctive symbol has become so ingrained in the product's identity that it is affectionately referred to as "boo" in Armenian, signifying the revered owl.

Faced with the intricate challenge of revitalizing the packaging for their coffee and iced tea line, Royal Armenia entrusted us with this crucial task. The existing design, having weathered the passage of time, felt antiquated and no longer resonated with contemporary sensibilities. Our mandate was clear: undertake a transformation that breathes new life into the brand while preserving the cherished owl emblem.

In a strategic move, we conceived a subbrand christened "Boo," aligning seamlessly with the endearing moniker the product had acquired organically over the years. This metamorphosis extended to the creation of a distinctive typographic logo, further solidifying the identity of "Boo" as the central element.

Our redesign positioned the owl as the unequivocal hero of the packaging concept. This updated iteration exudes playfulness, boasts increased proportions, and radiates freshness. Expanding beyond the primary owl, we introduced two new owl characters to complement additional product lines, enhancing the brand's thematic richness.

Maintaining a nod to the heritage, we retained the color logic from the original packaging to delineate various coffee types, artfully applying it to the captivating eyes of the owl characters. Taking innovation a step further, our owl characters representing the ice tea line sport an array of glasses in diverse hues and frames, symbolizing the nuanced fruits and flavors embedded within each tea variant.

In essence, our meticulous redesign not only preserves the legacy of Royal Armenia but also infuses a renewed vibrancy. The "Boo" subbrand, with its revamped owl iconography, stands as a testament to the brand's evolution, captivating consumers with a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity.

Boo Retail 速溶咖啡包裝設計

Boo Retail 水果冰茶包裝設計



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